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Phone: (805) 563-1171
Customers service:
I've only dealt with Ted Shrode so far, but I can tell you that he's a nice guy with
a good attitude and confidence over his products.
Quick e-mails responses, willing to help with any questions or concerns, and I can
tell you that his products are tried, tested and trued on very expensive and fast
professional drag bikes. No "bull" there, promised. Shipping was fast and without problems.
The KrankVent. This device is built to create a negative pressure in the crankcase,
making the engine rev faster and easier, greatly helping in getting rid of the bad pressures
wearing out pistons rings and blowing heads and cylinders gaskets. No more
oil blow-by on the rings, leading to cleaner-burning motors, cleaner combustion chambers,
less oil consumption and a whole lot of other benefits that I have yet to discover.
Great product, 2 thumbs up.
Amazing...I just can't figure out how they build those things; like I said to Ted when i asked him about
the construction, first thing that comes to mind is those boats in bottles; makes you think about all kind of
weird scientists with bubbling solutions all around
Seriously, the press the valve together, machine the housing then polish the whole thing to a mirror
finish...nice. Still can't figure it out, that must be why they are the makers and I'm the buyer!
Nice piece, well made and I just like seeing nice shiny things under the tank when I lift it, and I do that quite
a lot thank you very much. The KrankVent will fit nicely between my nitrous solenoids... :)
Happiness factor (testing):
In the past, I've blown a head gasket due to just what this device is designed to get rid of:
excessive crank case pressures. Could have been worse, but now I can run the bike at full
chat without fear of something going wrong down there.
And that alone is worth much more that the price they are asking for the KrankVent.
I'll post some more after making a few dyno runs; there may be 1 or 2 hp lurking in there
with this new addition. Stay tuned!
Gone is the oil smell...I had a bad case of this, now with the addition of the KrankVent, it is gone!
Well see later how this device will influence my oil consumption problem (I have over 70k miles)...
We may be in for a pleasant surprise! (and I'm confident we will).
Well, after 3 weeks I'm happy to report that the oil consumption has gone down to almost nothing!
Yep, 1000 miles and not a drop missing...but I got to admit that I did no hardcore riding yet.
I'll keep track of this right here as well.
OK, last update!
That's it, after 10 months of trying the device I'm sold to it....
All my next bikes will be equipped with this thing.
Dramatic oil consumption reduction is the first positive point!
And for those still skeptical, here is what I've found: when getting back from rides, the bike farts!
The valve is still releasing pressure even when the motor is not running!
Additional proof that its indeed creating a sizeable vacuum in the motor is that in order to change my oil,
I do have to unscrew the oil filler cap....otherwise, only a tiny oil stream seeps out of the engine!
before the KV, oil would just gush out of it...even with the filler cap screwed tight.
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